Berg knows how to have fun in team buildings!

This year, the Berg team building was a very anticipated event! Our patience has finally been rewarded and we all spent a weekend in the mountains, in late August, that left us with a lot of wonderful memories.

We were glad that we had the opportunity to spend a few days together, out of the office. The main attraction of our team building destination was the pool, where we held some courses in sunbathing, water jumps and sunbed relaxation. That is why our organizing team had suggestive BERGWATCH t-shirts and matching whistles.

To show our athletic side, we split into two teams and played a very intense football game on the grass. The red team (Voința Ghiroda) and the blue team (Progresul Ghiroda) had the Berg girls as enthusiastic supporters.

The next day we had fun being part in team games such as Balloon Race, Hula Hoop Pass and Sponge Relay Race, during which we showed special skills.

In the evening we played board games and organized a party like only we know how to organize. We prepared a surprise for our colleague Niţu, who celebrated 20 years of Berg. Congratulations!

The most amazing part of our team building, however, was not the accommodation, the surrounding environment or our activities, but the members of our team who turned this weekend into an extraordinary experience.

If you want to be part of our team and participate in our next team building, apply on our website!

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