by Berg Software | Mar 2, 2021 | Uncategorized
How digitalisation starts: the spark (1/5) Part of the How digitalisation works series, this first article looks into what sparks digitalisation. For some companies, it’s about finding solutions to an incoming crisis; for others, it’s about their passion for...
by Berg Software | Feb 10, 2021 | Digitalisation
From .ppt to .done: How digitalisation works (0/5) Although everyone talks “digitalisation”, it still remains a fuzzy term. So, what is “digitalisation” exactly, and how does it work? Where does it start, what are the methods and processes to do it right, and yes!...
by Berg Software | Jan 20, 2021 | Uncategorized
2021 Technology and business predictions We ended 2020 with two reviews (re. Business and Tech), so it is quite natural to start 2021 with technology and business predictions. Yes, it is challenging to predict anything in nowadays’ volatile environment, but let’s give...
by Berg Software | Dec 16, 2020 | Insights
2020 Review (2/2): The Technology Landscape In this second of two 2020 Review articles, let’s look at how several big technologies evolved during the year. As we have seen last week, the major impact of the pandemics was an accelerated movement of businesses into...
by Berg Software | Dec 9, 2020 | Uncategorized
2020 Review (1/2): The Business Landscape As 2020 is drawing to a close, we’re looking back into how business and technology changed during the last year. For this article, let’s see what the dynamic of different industrial sectors was and what’s in store for 2021;...