7 Important Questions to Ask a Custom Software Development Company

It’s not easy choosing a software development partner because it most definitely will have a great impact on your business, and you want that influence to be as positive as it could be. We prepared 7 questions to ask prospecting software firms, to choose the best one and have a better insight in who they are and if you would be a good fit.

1. Have you ever worked on a similar project?

Past performance usually predicts future results so you should get an overall idea about the skill level of your potential software firm by looking at their experience. It’s important their expertise to match with the needs of your project. For example, when you work with a firm that has expertise in your industry, it will be easier for them to comprehend what problems your software will solve. Before hiring a software development team, go through their case studies to gain a comprehensive view.

2. What technologies are you specialized in?

Make sure that the outsourcing/ custom software development provider knows the technology you want to use. If you haven’t decided on a technology yet, be sure that they have the expertise to consult on what suits you better – Java, JavaScript, .Net, Angular, SAP and so on. Don’t be afraid to ask what they are accustomed to working with to see where their strength lies.

3. How many developers do you have available and what are their seniority levels?

It’s good practice to make sure the professionals in your external software team are familiar with the technology you’re interested in and that you will have juniors, as well as middle or senior developers working on your project, depending on its complexity. You can ask for blind CVs and code samples to test them.

4. How much time would you need to round up a team for my project?

Ask how many people they have in their team and how many projects they’re working on at this moment. If you need to quickly start a project or decide to scale up your team, it’s good to know that you won’t have to wait a few weeks until someone will be able to offer their developing time.

5. How do you communicate during the project?

Ask how often you will have calls with the development team and what communication tools you will use to make sure you have a productive dialogue. Make sure you know the members of the team that works on your project and talk to them constantly, depending on the project. That way, you will be better informed about the progress of your project development and they will have good feedback.

6. Can you discuss the approach that you take with the software development process?

Ask your potential software development company what strategy they choose when it comes to creating custom software for a company like yours. This will help you get an idea about how they work and it will also help you decide if they are the right fit for your project. You should discuss the requirements, issues, timeline, and budget and if they can deliver on those terms.

7. Do I own the code and will you do the maintenance after the launch?

When the software is finished and handed over, the work is not done yet. From time to time, you will need to release new updates, fix bugs and add features and functionality. Ask your potential software development team about the maintenance and support. Look for a strategy that works for both of you to ensure that the software is maintained properly because that is as important as the software itself.

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