6 Ways to Make Your Business More Secure

Data security is one of the top issues of the digital world and taking a proactive approach to security is one of the best investments a business can make. The impact of a cyber attack can have a fatalistic effect on a company’s financial plan, reputation & client trust and it can go as far as causing law suits and losing important customer data. Here are 6 ways to make your business more secure:

1. Know what data needs protecting

The first step is to understand what data is sensitive, who uses it, how they use it and where. Conduct a security audit and after you figured out what effect security breach has on your data, it’s time to figure out the best way to protect your most important information from the outside world. Understand that not all data is equal, some types of information you have are more important than others and can have a deeper impact on your business. Conduct an audit and then an action plan for protecting your data. Also, if you don’t have a legitimate business reason to keep information, don’t collect it.

2. Educate your employees

Data should be protected by all employees, from CEO to interns, and everyone in your business must understand company security policy, because lack of knowledge is the most vulnerable point. Integrate a speech about sensitive information and threats of which they should be aware in your staff meetings and give them the tools to help prevent attacks. These security courses shouldn’t be expensive or take up a lot of time, but from time to time they definitely should be conducted because a security breach can cost you a lot more. So make your staff aware of the important role they play in security.

3. Have a password system

This is a simple one, but nevertheless important. We recommend a customised policy to limit employees, devices or groups access to certain files. Also, use only random generated strong passwords (apps can do that for you) and enable two-step password authentication to ensure the person in front of the computer is who they say they are. Change the default setting on computers so that you are not storing credit card info automatically and be sure your employees don’t write passwords down.

4. Secure devices and networks

It goes without saying that a good security plan is one of the best investments a company can make, especially if it helps prevent an expensive security breach. Security testing helps uncover vulnerabilities before they become targets for hackers. Engage an IT/network security specialist to run a full audit of your network to ensure it’s airtight. Insist that all laptops connected to the corporate network have security software and use multiple layers of security to protect your data’s integrity and safety.

5. Set up automatic software updates

We all know that older versions of programs and apps have certain vulnerabilities and it’s the easiest way for hackers to penetrate your system. Your software should be as up to date as possible to avoid these dangers. You should update your devices, operating systems, networks, security systems (like antivirus and patches). Don’t forget to check the programs that have the auto-update switched off. Invest in a good antivirus and keep an eye on it with continuous checkups.

5. Secure your premises

Your psysical office should be as secured as your virtual one. Install an alarm, secure your hardware, and access to certain rooms. Use wipe-utility programs to delete portable electronic devices. Also, properly dispose of non essential information – shred all your documents instead of throwing them out and keep files in locked cabinets. Always block your laptop when leaving the desk and keep your files in a safe folder. Keep track of company visitors.

No solution is foolproof, but every step in your security plan can minimize the risk of a breach. We can help your business become more secure by developing malware detection software!

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