5 Reasons Why You Should Digitize Your Company Right Now

Ever wanted to know how and why to digitize your company? Then you have probably stumbled upon terms such as digitization, digitalization and digital transformation. Although they seem to be saying the same thing, they actually describe various degrees of deploying digital tools and processes to increase your company’s competitivity.

In this article, let’s look at digitization: according to Wikipedia, ”Digitization is the process of converting information into a digital (i.e. computer-readable) format, in which the information is organized into bits. The result is the representation of an object, image, sound, document or signal (usually an analog signal) by generating a series of numbers that describe a discrete set of points or samples.

In simpler words: digitization means converting information/documents into digital format.

Businesses have been going through document digitization for the last 10-15+ years, so this should not be big news. In the process, everyone discovered important reasons why to digitize, such as:

1. Increase your productivity

Digital data is highly searchable, quickly accessible, and easily transferable – which leads to better and quicker workflows. Depending on where your company’s focus is, you can then increase your output with the same resources, and/or have happier clients (e.g. with faster deliveries), and/or have happier employees (e.g. with shorter downtimes of your coffee machine).

For example, a paper document that can be found on average in 12 minutes can now be retrieved within seconds, then possibly processed and delivered within 1/10th of the non-digital time. And that’s precisely it: by digitizing your documents, you can target a 10x increase in productivity, without any reduction in coffee breaks.

2. Streamline your operations

By digitizing your company, everyone who needs to be on the same page will be on the same page without any barriers or breaks. With current technologies (such as the cloud), everyone can have access and collaborate in real-time.

So, it is not only about having a digital version of the document instead of photocopying like it’s 1991. The main benefits of streamlined digitized operations come from instant and virtually universal access to information, rapid analysis, project management and collaboration, time tracking etc. – all of them without using a single piece of paper.

3. Cost reduction

The dark side of “increased productivity” is “cost reduction”. Yes, you can do more with the same resources, but also you might need to reach the same results with fewer resources.

We are the biggest fans of having happy employees, but also know that there are times when empowering the high-expertise side of the company can prove existentially important. Digitization can help you move away from handling, processing, storing paper documents, with potentially significant cost reductions coming from personnel, storage, and transportation.

4. Efficiency boost

Streamlined operations, with higher productivity and/or lower costs, will result in a smoother, more efficient company.

While digitizing, by itself, can lead to an efficiency boost, you can also use the process of digitizing as a unique chance to analyze and increase the efficiency of various functions, such as manufacture and logistics, customer requests and support, sales and marketing etc. Whatever your pain points, leave no (analog) stones unturned.

5. Enhanced security

A digital document is trackable and you can control who has access to it. Workflows and individual permissions can be instated to maintain confidentiality. Multiple copies can be set, so you can make sure that your documents are never-ever lost.

Quite the opposite, information stored in paper formats is degradable, either by natural causes or unfortunate accidents.


Want to find more about how and why you should digitize your company? Our experienced consultants will guide you through the entire process of digitization and/or software development. Together we will find the best digital solutions, to help your company make a global impact. Contact us!


Find out more about Berg Software’s expertise in:
— Digitalization
— Enterprise Web Applications
— Cloud installation/migration services

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