28 Candles on the Berg Cake

A lot can happen in a year, so imagine how many amazing things we experienced in 28 years of existence on the German-Romanian software market! From a small hardware company, to one of the best software outsourcing companies in Romania, Berg Software has changed a lot, and everything made the company more innovative and prepared for new experiences!

We had the opportunity to work with amazing clients all over the world who challenge us everyday with software solutions that always ride the IT waves. We accumulated a lot of expertise, we understand the clients’ software needs better and learned how to build better agile teams.

What the team managed to keep all these years is the enthusiasm when talking to a potential client about software outsourcing services, and the desire to do better & learn more. Of course, in 28 years we also gained a lot of experience with organising thematic parties, cooking Friday snacks, slicing cake, blending cocktails and collecting movie tickets as we created a special bond with our peers. This year, we celebrated with a delicious lunch and a sumptuous chocolate cake!

Learn more about us and be part of our story!

29 years in business | 2700 software projects | 760 clients | 24 countries

We turn ideas into software. What is yours?

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