26 years of amazing moments at Berg

We do not know exactly how many cups of coffee we drank, how many cakes we devoured after each project or how many lines of code we wrote in 26 years, but we know that this anniversary has come with a lot of experience, great customers and countless friends.

To celebrate 26 years of wonderful moments, on November 13th, we ate cake together and sang “Happy Birthday”!

These years changed our company a lot, from technologies to our plans, but we maintained the idea that in order to get far, you need to walk along with the people next to you. Celebrating anniversaries is a sign of success and continuity so we are grateful to our most valuable treasure, the Berg team.

On this occasion, we congratulate and thank you all for being part of the Berg Software story!

29 years in business | 2700 software projects | 760 clients | 24 countries

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